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Bake-off bakery
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A bake-off bakery uses prepared dough baked in a store in order to provide freshproducts, such as rolls, breads or doughnuts. The bakery industry in U.S. is in the mature stage, growing at the rate of 2.0 – 3.0 percent per year. The industry is characterized by increasing consolidation. Bakery manufacturers need to keep innovating in order to sustain in the industry. Their efforts in this direction have been witnessed in the past few years. Strategic innovation is the sole way to capture emerging consumer trends with potential growth opportunities in the U.S. bakery industry. In recent times, the U.S. bakery industry has undergone significant changes as it responds to shifting consumer trends, particularly the growing preference for products providing health, convenience and indulgence. The key competitive factors include price, product quality, product differentiation, innovation, branding, and technology.



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